News and Advice

People sitting in chairs in circle

Study tips for training to be a counsellor

Training to be a counsellor can be both challenging and rewarding and you’ll find yourself going through highs and lows along the way. You’ll also learn a lot about yourself throughout your journey. At the start of the new academic year, we’re sharing some of our top study tips with you.

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Women holding head on laptop

Returning to school

The start of a new academic year can come with mixed feelings. Whilst some young people will be feeling excited about seeing friends again, or getting back to learning, others will be feeling a sense of impending dread about returning to school.

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Training to be a counsellor

Training to be a counsellor

Do you want to make a positive impact on the lives of other people? Do you want to help people achieve their goals and become the best version of themselves? If the answer to these questions is yes, you may already have considered a career in counselling.

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Circle headshots

Congratulations to our Mindspace trainee counsellors

Congratulations and a huge thank you to several trainee counsellors who leave us next month having completed their core training. As a dedicated counselling training college, we regularly host trainee counsellors within our community counselling agency who are in the process of completing their final year of training.

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Person having counselling

Free counselling for jobseekers

The Workshop provides job seeking advice and career and development support to people aged 18 and over living the Surrey Heath area. Since the launch of our partnership with The Workshop in May, three counsellors from the Mindspace team are now providing regular free counselling to jobseekers in the area. We caught up with The Workshop to find out more about the new partnership and the importance of providing free counselling to jobseekers.

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Congratulations to our trainee counsellors

Overcoming anxiety

One of our Mindspace counsellors, Joanne, shares her experience of supporting Sarah who sought help to cope with her debilitating anxiety. Both Sarah and Joanne’s names have been changed to protect their privacy.

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Stressed young person leaning on a pile of text books during exams.

Stress and young people

Exam season can be a particularly stressful time for young people. What can we do to support ourselves when things become too much?

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Mindspace Foundation

Bringing you the latest news and advice from our professional counselling staff. To stay up to date why not follow us on social media using the links below.

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Mindspace Foundation
Wellbeing Without Barriers

Counselling Services for All Ages